Improving Health and Nutrition Access through Sustainable Agriculture

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Improving Health and Nutrition Access through Sustainable Agriculture by Mind Map: Improving Health and Nutrition Access through Sustainable Agriculture

1. Water Efficiency

1.1. Clean Water and Sanitation

1.1.1. Target 6.4

2. Reduced distance of point of food production and point of food consumption

3. Increased know-how on sustainable food production practices

3.1. Responsible consumption and production

3.1.1. Target 12.2

3.1.2. Target 12.8

3.1.3. Target 12.3

3.1.4. Target 12.5

3.2. Quality Education

3.2.1. Target 4.4.

4. Increased self-employment opportunities in the Agricultural sector

4.1. Decent work and Economic Growth

4.1.1. Target 8.5

4.1.2. Target 8.6

5. Income Generation

5.1. No Poverty

5.1.1. Target 1.2

5.1.2. Target 1.5

5.1.3. Target 1.1

6. Climate Change Adaptation

6.1. Climate Action

6.1.1. Target 13.1

6.1.2. Target 13.3

7. Improved access to food products at the household level

7.1. Zero Hunger

7.1.1. Target 2.1

7.1.2. Target 2.2

7.1.3. Target 2.3

7.1.4. Target 2.4

8. Increased environmental management

8.1. Sustainable cities and communities

8.1.1. Target 11.7

8.2. Decent work and Economic Growth

8.2.1. Target 8.4

8.3. Life on Land

8.3.1. Target 15.3