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Search Engine by Mind Map: Search Engine

1. The percentage of visitors that leave a website (or “bounce” back to the search results or referring website) after viewing only one page on that site.

2. squash the infor down into a tiny package

3. basics 5 components

3.1. words

3.1.1. common use words

3.2. title

3.2.1. official title

3.3. links

3.3.1. between websites

3.4. words in links

3.4.1. words place in links

3.5. reputation

3.5.1. fresh, engaging content and growing no of quality links

4. generate results using an algorithm based on user's search criteria

5. what they do

5.1. scan & analyse pages

5.2. evaluate the content -> what key information should be indexed

5.3. deliver them to the search engine

5.4. record key information abt page - title, description, keywords, links

5.5. copy the page & deliver them to the search engine

6. what does it do

6.1. automatically visits websites

6.2. records and indexes them within its database

7. components

7.1. crawlers / spiders / bots

7.1.1. basic job -> index a page so that it is available to be used as a search result

7.2. indexer

7.2.1. a huge DB -> infor store

7.2.2. when u click search -> DB is being searched

7.3. query processor

7.3.1. user performs a search -> 1. looks up their index --> 2. provides using its own algorithm ---> most to least relevant

8. metasearch engine

8.1. all-in-one search engine

8.2. duplicated retrievals are eliminated

8.3. advantage: a single query can access many search engines at once

8.3.1. performs a search by the use of more than one other search engine to complete the search job

8.4. disadvantage: a high noise-to-signal ration - a lot of matches will not be suitable for the user

9. fuzzy matching

9.1. A process that locates Web pages that are likely to be relevant to searched keywords even when the keywords do not exactly correspond to the desired information

9.2. can operate like a spell checker and spelling-error corrector

9.3. can compensate for common input typing errors

10. techniques

10.1. quatation marks ""

10.1.1. searching for exact phrases

10.2. wildcards *

10.2.1. tag all spellings of the word starting

10.3. boolen search

10.3.1. logical operator narrows the search by retrieving only records containing both keywords used in the search statement AND OR broadens your search by retrieving either one or more of the keywords used in the search statement NOT excludes records containing the second keyword in your search statement

10.4. parenthesis ()

10.4.1. to control the logic of the query and they may appear in any combination.

11. SEO

11.1. The process of maximising the number of visitors to particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by Search Engine.

11.2. Purpose: Communicating to Search Engines website’s intentions so they can recommend that website for relevant searches.

11.3. what SE are looking for

11.3.1. content theme, text, title, and description page

11.3.2. authority good content

11.3.3. user experience look & feel of a website

11.3.4. performance fast loading

11.4. what SE are not looking for

11.4.1. keyword stuffing overuse keywords

11.4.2. purchased links Will get a website nowhere when it comes to SEO

11.4.3. poor UX

11.5. bounce rate

12. makes web pages easier to find and use

13. returns results that are relevant to searcher's query

14. Applications

14.1. enables users to search the web using keywords

14.2. acts as a catalogue for the web

15. aim

15.1. ranks the results according to the popularity of the website serving the information

16. metadata

16.1. Enhances the accessibility of data, whilst also enhancing usability for everyone

16.2. data about data

16.3. 3 important components

16.3.1. page title

16.3.2. keywords

16.3.3. description

17. four possible for bad search

17.1. no content

17.2. bad search pharses

17.3. bad search engine

17.4. bad content

18. getting a website discovered

18.1. 1. creating and submitting a sitemap

18.1.1. A sitemap is an XML document on a website’s server.

18.1.2. It tells search engines when new pages have been added and how often to check back for changes on specific pages. Google XML plugin

18.1.3. how to create XML sitemaps generator

18.1.4. A sitemap can be submitted to Google Webmaster Tools.

18.2. 2. installing google analytics

18.2.1. Web Analytics service that is provided by Google to track and report website traffic

18.3. 3. submitting website to search engine

18.3.1. Website can be submitted to a Search Engine directly

18.3.2. This can speed up the indexing process

18.4. 4. via social profiles

18.4.1. Crawlers get to a website via links.

18.4.2. nofollow links: Do not allow search engine crawlers to follow the link. Only Humans will be able to follow the links.