Avengers movie

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Avengers movie by Mind Map: Avengers movie

1. Characters

1.1. First film

1.1.1. Iron Man

1.1.2. Thor

1.1.3. Hulk

1.1.4. Black widow

1.1.5. Hawkeye

1.1.6. Cpt. America

1.1.7. Nick Fury

1.1.8. Loki

1.2. Second film

1.2.1. Quicksilver

1.2.2. Scarlet wich

1.2.3. Ultron

1.3. Third film

1.3.1. Thanos

1.3.2. Starlord

1.3.3. Spiderman

1.3.4. Black Panther

1.3.5. Rocket

1.3.6. Gamora

1.3.7. Groot

1.3.8. Drax

1.3.9. Ebony Maw

1.3.10. Dr. Strange

1.3.11. Red Skull

2. Production company - Marvel Studios

2.1. 1993

2.2. Marvel Films

2.3. marvel.com/movies/

2.4. Walt Disney Studios

2.5. Executives

2.5.1. Stan Lee

2.5.2. Avi Arad

2.5.3. Jerry Calabrese

2.5.4. David Maisel

2.5.5. Michael Helfant

2.5.6. Kevin Feige

2.5.7. Tim Connors

3. Series

3.1. Avengers

3.2. Age of Ultron

3.3. Infinity War

4. Comic book

4.1. First comic

4.1.1. 1963

4.1.2. writer-editor Stan Lee Jack Kirby artist/co-plotter

4.2. Original team

4.2.1. Ant-man

4.2.2. Hulk

4.2.3. Iron Man

4.2.4. Wasp

4.2.5. Thor