Teacher Leader Profiles & Theories

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Teacher Leader Profiles & Theories by Mind Map: Teacher Leader Profiles & Theories

1. The Synegizer: the "glue" that holds the team together

1.1. Napa's theory of Social Capital

2. The Method Master: exceptional in the art of selecting, learning and applying research-based, best-practice instructional methods

2.1. Dr. Marzano's Compendium of Instructional Strategies

3. The Fully Invested Owner: long term focus that resists distractions by short term struggles

3.1. Clemens, Berry & Loughran's Leading Professional Learning

4. The Inquisitor: inspire students, colleagues, and yourself with thoughtful, strategic, purposeful & emotionally bound questions

4.1. Hess' The Same Thing Over & Over: How School Reformers Get Stuck in Yesterday's Ideas

5. The Servant: lead by supporting and developing others

5.1. Napa's theory of Social Capital

6. The Believer: extremely passionate about teaching; lofty aspirations of teaching

6.1. Reason & Reason's Mirror Images

7. The Transformationalist: can see things the way they are, then visualize with clarity better outcomes

7.1. Clemens, Berry & Loughran's Leading Professional Learning

8. The Present Balance Keeper: well-rounded, well-read & well-traveled; great at balancing work-life & present-life

8.1. Marzano's Compendium of Instructional Strategies

9. The Detective: spot untapped potential in students and colleagues

9.1. Lieberman & Miller's Teacher Leadership & Educational Leadership theories

10. The Learning Advocate: always working toward improving learning conditions at school

10.1. Clemens, Berry & Loughran's Leading Professional Learning