The Third Level

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The Third Level by Mind Map: The Third Level

1. By- Jack Finney

2. hallucinates and reaches the third level of the Grand Central Station which only has two levels. third level doesn’t actually exists.

3. what happened

3.1. he entered the Grand Central from Vanderbilt Avenue and took the stairs to the first level where one boarded trains like the Twentieth Century.

3.2. nothing unusual for him because even if he had come to that station a thousand times,

3.3. The unusual corridor he had entered into began angling left and slanting downward which he felt odd about but nevertheless, he kept on walking. There was no one except him and the voice of his feet echoed.

3.4. He heard the sound of people talking from a distance, then he took a left and walked down the stairs again only to reach the third level of the Grand Central.

4. Charley

4.1. 31 years old man

4.2. Ordinary man

4.2.1. dressed in a tan gabardine suit and a straw hat with a fancy band.

5. Why did he take a subway

5.1. he chose to take the Subway to his apartment instead of the usual bus after a late night shift. He did this in order to save time

6. how did the third level look like

6.1. He thought he had somehow made his way back to the second level but as he noticed, the room was smaller,

6.2. there were fewer ticket windows and train gates, and the information booth in the centre was wood and old looking.

6.2.1. man in the booth was also different and the station was dim-lit for there were open-flame gaslights.