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My Network by Mind Map: My Network

1. Miranda : she works at IGA in the bakery, she can help get me a job decorating cakes

2. My auntie : my auntie is an architect, she could help get me a job as an architect and teach me everything there is to know

3. My Step dad : he works in construction, he could teach me how to build houses.

4. Miranda's Mom :she is a project coordinator at MEA forensic, she could help me learn how to re create crashes

5. My step Moms brother in law : he owns his own company, he can help me to learn what you need to know and do to be able to run and create your own company

6. My Teacher : She could talk to the people she knows and help me get a job as like a student teacher or something

7. My cheer coach : she can help me get a job as an assistent coach at the gym

8. My family doctor : she can ask around and help get me a job with someone and help teach me what there is to know about being a doctor.

9. Physiotherapist : he could give me information about the job and help teach me about it and down the road help get me a job

10. My dads friend : he is a realtor, he can help get me a job as a realtor later in my life.

11. Step Mom : She is a waitress at white spot, and the jammery. she can help me understand all there is to serving and help get me a job.

12. My Bestfriend: She works at Wendys, she can help teach me what i would need to do and help get me a job at a fast food place

13. Best friends Mom : She works at global fitness, she can help get me a job there at the daycare.

14. My dentist : he can talk to the people around him and help get me a job.

15. Counseller : she can give me information about the job and help me learn how to become one