George's marvellous medicine

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George's marvellous medicine by Mind Map: George's marvellous medicine

1. when

1.1. On a Friday and Saturday.

2. where

2.1. On a farm.

3. Story

3.1. Storyline

3.1.1. George hates Grandma

3.1.2. Makes marvellous medicine

3.1.3. Something special happens to Grandma

3.1.4. Mr Killy Kranky/George make more medicine for animals.

4. Main characters

4.1. George

4.1.1. very friendly

4.1.2. happy boy

4.1.3. hates Grandma and cabbage

4.1.4. makes marvellous medicine

4.2. Mr Killy Kranky

4.2.1. George's dad

4.2.2. always excited, fascinated by medicine

4.2.3. hates Grandma either

4.3. Mrs Kranky

4.3.1. George's mother

4.3.2. very worried

4.3.3. doughter of Grandma

4.4. Grandma

4.4.1. George's Grandma

4.4.2. grounsing

4.4.3. needs her medicine all the time

4.4.4. bad-tempered