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Music Genres by Mind Map: Music Genres

1. There is a whole world of music genres out there, all of which have a sound of their own.

2. Rock Music: Originated as “Rock & Roll” in the United States, is a form of music that started around string instruments, but now uses other modern instruments too making it a little difficult to give it an accurate definition. Its loud and strong beats make it popular among the youths.

3. Jazz: Identified with swing and blue notes, Jazz has its roots both in the West African and European culture. It is said that Jazz is “One of America’s original art forms” and boasts a unique combination of creativity, co actions and interactivity.

4. Dubstep: The use of instruments attracting music lovers for its bass and rhythm, this falls in the electronic music genre. People consider it to be a darker form of music.

5. Indie Rock: Falling in the genre of alternative rock music, it gave birth to a couple of sun-genres in related styles such as math rock, emo, noise pop, post rock and lo-fi.

6. Electronic Dance Music: Generally referred as EDM, this form of music is produced by DJs who add dozens of tones to a piece to create unique music. You can hear them in clubs or even live, depending upon your accessibility for the same.

7. 5. Rhythm and Blues: Vocalists like Rihanna, Mariah Carey, Beyoncé, Usher and the legendary Michael Jackson have all made it huge in the music industry with their love for this form of music. Originated in the 1940s, this African-American music is a combination of hip hop, funk, dance, pop and soul focusing on themes like relationships, sex and freedom.

8. Country Music: Another popular genre of American music which originated in the 1920s, Country music has its roots from American folk and western music. It is formed using simple forms of instruments ranging from electric and steel guitars to drums and mandolin or mouth organ.

9. Electro: A perfect blend of hip hop and electronic music, electro or electro-funk uses drum machine, vocoder and talkbox helping it to distinguish itself from another similar form of music, Disco.

10. Pop Music: “Pop” is a term derived from “Popular” and thus Pop Music is known to be a genre of popular music. With its roots in the rock & roll style, this form can include any form of music ranging from urban and dance to rock, country and Latin. Instruments highly used are electric guitars, synthesizer drums as well as bass and one can listen to this form of music by listening to songs by Britney Spears, Madonna, Beyonce, Lady Gaga and of course the “King of Pop”, Michael Jackson.