Ethnographic Study

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Ethnographic Study by Mind Map: Ethnographic Study

1. 5 themes of sXers

1.1. living a clean positive way

1.2. reserving sex for caring relationships

1.3. promoting self-realization

1.4. spreading the massage

1.5. becoming involved in progressive causes

2. Core elements and aspects

2.1. culture-sharing group's core values and beliefs

2.2. ideas, behavior and interaction

2.3. theory of resistance

2.4. participant observer with fieldwork

2.5. cultural interpretation

3. Straight Edge Punk Sub-culture

3.1. 18-25 year old white, middle class males

3.2. Abstained from drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and promiscuous sex

3.3. Noted by the X on the back of the hand

4. Data collection

4.1. 14 years

4.2. 250 music shows

4.3. interviewed 28 men and women

4.4. newspaper stories

4.5. Music Lyrics

4.6. Internet

4.7. sXe magazines