
Compass Points PYP Reflection

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Grace by Mind Map: Grace

1. What excites you about the PYP framework, PS&P and the new workshops? The new workshops are exciting particularly for me as I have hesitated to be a workshop leader for a long time. The new guidelines, seemingly fluid, and the exchanges in this workshop have given me courage to put myself out there again. I'm excited about the PYP enhancements. Agency has always been intrinsic but now it is on the forefront of the documents and the IB philosophy. In addition, the less redundant and more concise standards and practices will allow for a better understanding of the expected outcomes. Love the glossary! It all makes perfect sense!

2. What are your next steps to ensure you are as informed as possible about the enhanced PYP framework, the new PS&P and the changes to workshops? I need more time to make sense of the workshop guidelines. I would also need to revisit the PS&P (several more times)and become more familiar with them. I want them to become instinctive like the old ones. In addition, with the pressure off and no time constraints, I would like to go back and reread all the exchanges we've had throughout this workshop. There are quite a few nuggets in there!

3. How has your thinking around the reflective question prompts evolved over the course of this workshop? My learning curve since the start of this workshop has been quite steep. It has opened my eyes to the cruciality of reflection.This workshop has truly been a testament to the power of constructing knowledge together. At first I wondered why Christianne our facilitator was not chiming in when there were wonderings and then I came to realize exactly what she was doing. It was intentional. I learned so much from all the participants. I also appreciated all the tools and strategies that I have added to my "toolbox" for sharing. So many of those strategies were unfamiliar to I am a pro even at Mindmeister! lol

4. What worries you about these publications/workshops? What personal learning do you need to do to alleviate any concerns?I’m worried about leading workshops and not having the new vocabulary down and flowing. Doing school visits is less concerning, whereas leading a workshop is front and center. I want to become "intimate"with IB resources to quote them readily, and also participate frequently in IB engage platform.

5. What else do you need to know or find out? Who can help? I will need more guidance with the customized planners for units of inquiry. Regrettably, we did not touch upon any of it during this workshop. I will continue to ask my colleagues at SEBIQ (IB provider in Quebec) and engage in blogs and platforms wherever possible. If all else fails, I will call upon my relationship manager for HELP!