“The quality of knowledge is best measured by how many people accept it.”

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“The quality of knowledge is best measured by how many people accept it.” by Mind Map: “The quality of knowledge is best measured by how many people accept it.”

1. Keywords

1.1. Quality

1.1.1. the degree of excellence of something

1.2. knowledge

1.2.1. facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education

1.3. measure

1.3.1. to assign a number to a characteristic of an object or event according to a set of rules.

1.4. acceptance

1.4.1. The process or fact of being received as adequate, valid, or suitable.

2. Rewrite

2.1. The value of the data, is being judged in the best way, by how many people accept it.

3. Rewrite

4. Key Phrases

4.1. Quality of knowledge

4.1.1. The value of the data, information and knowledge

4.2. best measure

4.2.1. Something is being done in the best way compering to other things

5. Connections to Classes

5.1. RKS

5.1.1. knowledge that belongs to a group AOK- religious knowledge systems

5.1.2. The existence of God Many people believe in it Faith

5.2. Natural sciences

5.2.1. Flat earth theory being accepted by many people does not affect the quality of the knowledge as long as there is an evidence Reasoning

5.3. Subject 3

5.3.1. AOK

5.3.2. RLS/PK Connections Connection WOK Framework Area Connection WOK Framework Area