matters of business

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matters of business by Mind Map: matters of business

1. Student Loan

2. Bills

2.1. Electric

2.1.1. SkyH

2.1.2. Paramount

2.1.3. Butler

2.1.4. 1001

2.2. Internet

2.2.1. SkyH

2.2.2. Paramount

2.2.3. Butler

2.2.4. 1001

2.3. Rent + monthly fees

2.3.1. SkyH

2.3.2. Paramount

2.3.3. Butler

2.3.4. 1001

2.4. Insurance

2.4.1. SkyH

2.4.2. Paramount

2.4.3. Butler

2.4.4. Ross 1001

2.5. Cable/WiFi

2.5.1. SkyH

2.5.2. Paramount

2.5.3. Butler

2.5.4. 1001

3. Purging

4. Puffin

4.1. Needs shots all

5. Expenses

5.1. Cell Phone

5.2. Car Payment

6. Fins aces

7. Income

8. Weight loss