1. Week 3: views of learning
1.1. What is development? Physical, cognitive, and social changes.
1.1.1. Orderly progression/ gradual process
1.1.2. Genetics set developmental potential
1.1.3. Environment also has a huge impact
1.2. Cognitive perspective
1.2.1. Mental processes exist and they are important to learning.
1.2.2. Learners bring knowledge to each new learning situation, and that affects what they learn from that situation (more related knowledge = better learning).
1.2.3. Learners are “•Sources of plans, intentions, goals, ideas, memories, and emotions actively used to attend to, select, and construct meaning from stimuli and knowledge from experience"
1.2.4. Piaget Schemes/Schemas: organizing behaviours and thoughts into coherent systems Adaptation: adjusting to one’s surrounding environment
1.3. Constructivist views of learning
1.3.1. Learners are active in constructing their own personal knowledge
1.3.2. Self-determination is needed
1.3.3. Learning includes developing skills to solve problems, think critically, answer questions, accept multiple views
1.3.4. Scaffolding Relate content to what students already know or can do Break a task into small, more manageable tasks with opportunities for intermittent feedback
1.3.5. Classrooms Social negotiation – collaborative work Multiple representations of content Making students aware of the knowledge construction process –becoming selfregulated learners Student-centered instruction; student ownership of learning problem-based learning
2. Week 4: establishing a positive learning environment
2.1. Exemplary learning environments
2.2. Self
2.2.1. Efficacy
2.2.2. Regulation
2.3. Resilient children
2.4. Student learning profiles
2.5. Release of responsibility
2.5.1. Teacher responsibility Focus lesson/ "I do it" Guided lesson/ "we do it"
2.5.2. Student responsibility Collaborative/ "you do it together" Independent/ "do it alone"
2.6. Tribes
2.6.1. Mutual respect, appreciation, active listening, participation/ right to pass
2.7. The Myth of Average: Todd Rose at TEDxSonomaCounty
3. Week 5: making instructional decisions
3.1. Backward design
3.1.1. linking assessment and instruction
3.1.2. Start with the end in mind
3.2. Bloom's Taxonomy
3.2.1. Knowledge/remembering
3.2.2. Comprehension/understanding
3.2.3. Application/applying
3.2.4. Analysis/analyzing
3.2.5. Synthesis/creating
3.2.6. Evaluation/evaluating
3.3. Universal instructional design
3.3.1. Has the least independently able students in mind
3.3.2. Accessible and effective for all students
3.4. HPL Framework
3.4.1. Knowledge-Centredness
3.4.2. Learner-Centeredness
3.4.3. Community-Centredness
3.4.4. Assessment-Centredness
3.5. Direct instruction
3.5.1. Clear learning objectives
3.5.2. explicit teaching
3.5.3. Well-planned lessons
3.6. Inquiry-based learning
3.6.1. Begins general then moves to specific
3.6.2. Teacher is leader, coach, model, and facilitator
3.7. Problem-based learning
3.7.1. Teacher is a facilitator, not a leader
4. Week 7: individual differences
4.1. Feedback
4.1.1. Give constructive comments, not just grades.
4.2. Intelligence
4.2.1. In general, intelligence is the ability (or abilities) to acquire and use knowledge for solving problems and adapting to the world
4.2.2. Carroll's hierarchical model of intelligence
4.2.3. Measured by aptitude tests, achievement tests, and what students have learned
4.2.4. Nature AND nurture
4.3. Special education
4.3.1. Accommodating the special learning needs of students with exceptionalities Disability: the inability to do something Handicap: a disadvantage in certain situations
4.3.2. Integration vs. inclusion
5. Week 9: end of the school year and standardized assessments
5.1. Standardized tests
5.1.1. What are they? Are different from teacher-made tests and aptitude tests Contain the same questions for all test-takers Are administered to all test-takers in same fashion Are scored in systematic and uniform manner
5.1.2. Purposes: Enhance teaching and learning Improve curricular design Be minimally intrusive
5.1.3. Criticisms: Biased tests Stressful for students and teachers Results in teaching to the test Takes up too much time Does not enhance student learning Content of tests does not reflect instruction
5.2. Test types
5.2.1. Criterion referenced; students compared to pre-set criteria
5.2.2. Norm referenced: students compared to other students
6. Week 1: planning for the upcoming school year
6.1. Educational Psychology
6.1.1. Uses knowledge and methods of psychology and related disciplines to study teaching and learning
6.1.2. Goal: To improve the teaching and learning processes
6.2. Reflective practitioners
6.2.1. open-minded
6.2.2. embrace self-inquiry
6.2.3. Ethical responsibility to facilitate student learning
6.3. Four Commonplaces of Education
6.3.1. Teacher
6.3.2. Topic
6.3.3. Setting
6.3.4. Student
6.4. Planning
6.4.1. What, when and how it will be taught
6.4.2. assessment
6.4.3. learning environment
6.4.4. Results of planning excellent instruction enhanced student learning exemplary environments
6.5. Instructional Approaches
6.5.1. Teacher-Centered: Teacher determines content, provides direction, and sets academic and social tone
6.5.2. Student-Centered: Teacher adopts constructivist perspective and acknowledges that students actively construct their own understandings
7. Week 2: considering developmental differences
7.1. What adults can learn from kids | Adora Svitak
7.2. Research Process
7.3. Higher order executive functioning
7.4. Principles of development
7.5. Constructivist views of learning
7.5.1. Creating constructivist-based classrooms Applications of constructivist-based classrooms
7.6. Scaffolding
7.7. Zone of proximal development
8. week 6: knowing what the students know
8.1. Learning styles
8.1.1. Visual
8.1.2. Auditory
8.1.3. Tactile
8.2. Purposes of assessment
8.2.1. to find out what students already know and can do
8.2.2. to help students improve their learning
8.2.3. to let students and their parents know how much they have learned within a prescribed amount of time
8.3. Assessment: the agricultural model
8.3.1. Do not blame the student for not learning. Instead, look for reasons as to why they are not learning
8.4. Assessment must be planned and purposeful
8.5. Enduring understandings
8.5.1. Endurance: will this knowledge or skill be useful past the test date?
8.5.2. Leverage: will this provide knowledge and skill in more than one context or subject?
8.5.3. Next level: will this prepare students for the next grade or skill set?
8.6. Understanding by Design What is Understanding by Design? Author Jay McTighe explains.
9. Week 8: socio-cultural considerations
9.1. The danger of a single story | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
9.2. Building a culturally responsive practice
9.2.1. Know how to inquire about students' backgrounds
9.2.2. know how to meet needs of culturally diverse learners
9.2.3. Know how to establish links across cultures
9.3. Socio-economic status (SEC)
9.3.1. Has the greatest impact on scholastic achievement
9.3.2. Students from low SES homes Development is at risk Scarcity of resources More likely to experience authoritarian parenting styles
9.4. Aboriginal education
9.4.1. Risk factors Early school failures Moving from school to school Lack of parent support Lack of teachers with knowledge of Aboriginal studies Lack of resources Special needs
9.5. English Language Learners
9.5.1. Young students who are ELL's typically have parents who also speak English as a second language. This can make it difficult for parents to be involved with the school or even with their child's learning. Here is one great way a school in California is trying to involve ELL parents: This Elementary School Classroom for Parents Has Dramatically Improved How Kids (and Adults) Thrive