Organizational Culture

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Organizational Culture by Mind Map: Organizational Culture

1. Culture Creation

1.1. Early values, goals, and assumptions

1.1.1. Founder Preferences

1.1.2. Industry Demands

2. Culture Maintenance

2.1. Attraction, selection, attriction

2.2. New employee onboarding

2.3. Leadership

2.4. Reward systems

3. Culture Change

3.1. 1. Create a sense of urgency

3.2. 2. Change leaders and other key players

3.3. 3. Role model

3.4. 4. Train

3.5. 5.Change reward system

3.6. 6. Create new stories and symbols

4. Levels

4.1. Assumptions

4.1.1. Beliefs about human nature and reality that are taken for granted

4.2. Values

4.2.1. Shared principles, standards, and goals.

4.3. Artifacts

4.3.1. visible and tangible elements of culture.

5. Dimensions of Culture (Organizational Culture Profile - OCP)

5.1. Innovative

5.2. Agressive

5.3. Outcome Oriented

5.4. Stable

5.5. People Oriented

5.6. Team Oriented

5.7. Detail Oriented

6. Signs of Culture

6.1. Mission Statement

6.2. Stories & Language

6.3. Physical layout

6.4. Rules & Policies

6.5. Rituals