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1. cinematography

1.1. Progresses in technologies: enable cinematographers to be even more good at shooting movies

1.2. Geographic mobility presents many economical advantages

1.3. mobility inspires cinematographers to create and develop new ideas, and technology enables them to make it happening

1.4. Hollywood attracted star movies and producers from all over the world

1.5. podcast about American cinematographer and upward mobility

2. linguistic/ etymology

2.1. University of Oxford introduction to the class "LANGUAGE, MOBILITY AND BELONGING"

2.2. ERASMUS helped to spread languages across europe

2.3. power of languages

2.4. A recent problematic: why is it important to study languages

2.5. How languages are linked together thanks to mobility of Humans Being

3. history

3.1. A big research on mobility through history

3.2. Podcast from Monash University department of Art: "Language on mobility, settlement and governance with Professor Rita Wilson"

3.3. Roads evolved during history. This image shows major commercial roads in 1750. All the continents were linked, but by ship and long roads (long traveling journey).

3.4. Mobility of humankind through history

3.5. Origin of humankind

4. Nouvelles technologies : Les nouvelles technologies boostent la mobilité

4.1. La fascination des usages de mobilité | Alexandre Droulers | TEDxAlsace

4.2. Mobility Technology Trends | Custom Computer

4.3. La mobilité du futur doit-elle refléter nos désirs ?

5. AI

5.1. appli qui livre de l'alcool

5.2. database d'ingrédients de bière

6. En quoi la mobilité concerne les beer lovers ?

7. Comment relier l'IA avec la mobilité et les beer lovers ?

8. Les beer lovers aiment-ils se déplacer, voyager, partir à l'aventure et découvrir de nouvelles bières ?

9. Favoriser la consommation de la bière du consommateur ou la promotion de la bière du producteur

10. biology

10.1. a podcast about health and sciences

10.2. We made progresses in medecine, allowing a mobility of genes by transplants etc.

10.3. With people's mobility, diseases travel too

10.4. Development of bone marrow transplantation thanks to mobility of patients and doctors

10.5. With mobility of species we get to study animals like Jane the chimpanzee and get a better understanding of nature

11. art/ design

11.1. a podcast about cars & design regarding mobility

11.2. With the progresses made, people move each tome more freely

11.3. Design help disabled people too

11.4. Cars and flying objects are begining to appear

11.5. History of mobility by an iconic brand: Michelin

12. geography

12.1. Differences between countries (North VS South) regarding incomes

12.2. international relations, history and social sciences

12.3. Challenge uprising with mobility: refugees crisis, the example of Syria

12.4. Map about the human migration across the planet

13. TO START ...

13.1. Broad research: podcast about mobility

13.2. Mobility can understand in several ways:

13.2.1. movements between classes

13.2.2. movements from place to place

13.2.3. movements from a job to another

13.2.4. etc...

13.3. A quick video about human mobility


14.1. Accueil - BeerLovers

14.1.1. Accueil | Beer Lovers' Marathon : marathon festif à Liège avec dégustation de 15 bières belges durant la course BEER LOVERS MARATHON 2017 - aftermovie

14.2. Summer Beer Lovers' Festival

14.3. Pint Please - App for beer lovers

14.3.1. Pint Please - Beer Finder

14.4. Elisabeth Delatour | Blog de dégustations de bière

14.5. Beer App and Future Beer Technology

14.6. Bière: les "beer lovers", une nouvelle génération d'amateurs

14.7. Faire sa bière maison

14.8. Top bar à bière à paris

14.9. Comment l'IA peut-elle bénéficier et faciliter la vie des beer lovers ?

14.10. Les beer lovers souhaitent-ils améliorer l'image de la bière et tous les stéréotypes autour des buveurs de bière ?

14.11. Mettre en place des dégustations de bière ?

14.12. Géolocaliser des bars, restaurants ou petits producteurs qui proposent des dégustations de bière ?

14.13. Personnaliser le goût de sa bière grâce l'IA ?

14.14. Benchmark : 2 appli deja existante

14.14.1. mister good beer

14.14.2. Untappd

15. Rechercher la dégustation de bière (idée de découverte) ou simplement boire la bière qu'on aime

16. Quelles peuvent-être les attentes d'un beer lover ?