Develop for Universa
by Alexander Myodov

1. Start learning from basics
1.1. About Universa Blockchain
1.2. KB: first steps
1.3. KB: basics and main concepts
1.3.1. … in Russian (по-русски)
1.4. Original Universa whitepaper
1.4.1. … in Russian (по-русски)
1.5. Glossary
1.6. Various articles
1.6.1. Universa Intro for programmers Programmer Quickstart quide
1.6.2. Universa effectiveness
1.6.3. Universa consensus explained
1.6.4. Double spending protection
1.6.5. Use cases Atomic contract swap Neutrino payments Node owner contract Contracts fungibility: making tokens and currencies
1.6.6. … in Russian (по-русски)
2. Develop the smart contracts:
3. Web Client
3.1. Latest Web Client beta
3.2. Telegram: @UniversaWebClient
4. Learn the client and the network architecture:
5. Sample smart contracts in Github
5.1. Token example: UTN smart contract
6. Use the other subsystems from the Universa family:
7. Unixchange (URS) services
7.1. Hypertokens
7.2. UTNP to UTN conversion
7.3. Reserving U for UTN
8. Crypto Cloud
8.1. Web Client integration
9. Major low-level concepts
9.1. HashID
9.2. Key address
9.2.1. Safe58 encoding
9.3. Item state
9.4. Quantization
10. Networking and serialization
10.1. Farcall protocol
10.2. BOSS serialization
10.3. Parcel
10.3.1. Payment Parcel
11. Node communication
11.1. Node client protocol
11.1.1. Node commands
11.2. UDP datagrams protocol
12. Advanced node topics
12.1. PERMANET network mode
12.2. Node-side smart contracts
13. Unichat
13.1. Unichat API
13.2. Endpoints
13.2.1. Websocket
13.2.2. HTTP REST
14. Run a local test network
14.1. Universa Docker images
14.2. Benchmark
14.3. Network configuration
15. Start from here
15.1. Smart contracts: best practices
15.2. Software development: best practices
16. U8
16.1. UBots
16.1.1. UBots overview
17. U8 engine
17.1. Github
18. Choose the programming language:
19. Java API
19.1. Contracts Service
20. Scala API
21. UMI
22. Universa-core JavaScript API
22.1. Github
22.2. Yarn
22.3. npm
23. minicrypto-java
23.1. Github
24. Join the development community:
24.1. Telegram: @UniversaDev
24.1.1. Telegram: @UniversaDevRu
25. uniclient
25.1. Download:
25.2. Telegram: @Uniclient
26. uniclient source code
27. Java API on Github
27.1. Javadoc
28. Sample Ruby gem
28.1. Source code
28.1.1. Autodoc