web-based content
by Alia Thompson
1. social networking
1.1. http://www.classroom20.com/ Welcome to Classroom20.com, the social network for those interested in Web 2.0 and Social Media in education.
1.2. www.facebook.com
1.3. Macy
2. video
2.1. www.keepvid.com
2.2. www.animoto.com/education
2.3. www.goanimate.com
2.4. Alia
3. audio
3.1. http://www.apple.com/education/itunes-u/
3.2. Macy
3.3. podcast
4. tutorials/ help/ support
4.1. http://www.atomiclearning.com/highed/en/home Atomic Learning on your campus. Online and on-demand, Atomic Learning creates flexible training opportunities making it easy for learners of all ages to embrace technology.
4.2. http://www.p21.org/route21/index.php The Partnership for 21st Century Skills is pleased to offer Route 21, a one-stop-shop for 21st century skills-related information, resources and community tools. Also has state specific information
4.3. www.jing.com
4.4. Bruce
4.5. www.screenr.com
5. webquest
5.1. http://www.educationworld.com/a_tech/tech/tech011.shtml how to design a webquest and webquest resources
5.2. www.webquest.org find, create, share a webquest
5.3. Alia
6. Presentation tools
6.1. www.slideshare.net
6.2. http://prezi.com/
6.3. Google Presentation
6.4. www.voicethread.com
6.5. Bruce
6.6. www.mindmeister.com
7. sharing content
7.1. Blackboard Collaborate
7.2. www.wiggio.com
7.3. google+
7.4. ALL