people who shaped psychology

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people who shaped psychology by Mind Map: people who shaped psychology

1. John Locke 1632-1704

1.1. Published the idea that all children are born as “blank slates “ and that life experiences form a person

2. Franz Joseph Gall 1800

2.1. Franz Joseph Gall 1800 Argued that you could learn about a persons intelligence, character and personality based on the shape , size and how many bumps on their head .

3. Granville Stanley Hall 1846-1924

3.1. Focused on childhood development and evolutionary theory

4. Ivan Pavlov 1849-1936

4.1. Introduced “conditioning” as a form of learning and explaining certain behaviors and habits shown both in animals and humans . And “behaviorism”

5. Max Wertheimer 1880-1943

5.1. One of the three founders of Gestalt psychology

6. Jean Piaget 1896-1980

6.1. Publised influential theories about human development

7. Abraham Maslow 1908-1970

7.1. considered to be the father of humanistic psychology contribution to the humanist movement which is basically physical needs must be met first before people can realize their full potential

8. Carl Rogers 1902-1987

8.1. Rogers was one of the founding figures of humanistic psychology and widely regarded

9. Mary Whiton Calkins, 1901

9.1. Mary Underline the importance of the experience of the self in its environment and the social role of the self Her major contributions to psychology was self-psychology

10. John B. Watson 1878-1958

10.1. Watson established the psychological school of behaviorism

11. hippocrates C. 460 – 370bc

11.1. Introduced the idea of “four temperament of personality “

12. Rene Descartes 1596-1650

12.1. Theorized that matter and mind were separate

13. Wilhelm Wundt 1832-1920

13.1. Built the first laboratory for psychological research

14. Sigmund Freud 1856-1939

14.1. Created psychoanalysis , Also developed the idea that the conscious mind

15. William James 1861

15.1. James theorized pragmatism “the value of an idea is dependent upon its usefulness in the practical world rather than its absolute truth”

16. Mary Whiton Calkins, 1901

16.1. Mary Underline the importance of the experience of the self in its environment and the social role of the self Her major contributions to psychology was self-psychology

17. Leta Stetter Hollingworth 1928”

17.1. Studied exceptional children . Published “ The psychology of the Adolescent”

18. Abraham Maslow 1954 ”

18.1. Developed the concept of “self-actualization”

19. Edward B Titchener 1890

19.1. The founder of experimental psychology Titchener gave Wundt's theory on the scope and method of psychology

20. Margaret Floy Washburn 1871-1939

20.1. Washburn was known for her experimental work in animal behavior and motor theory development

21. Dorthea Dix 1802-1887

21.1. Dix was an advocate for the mentally ill who revolutionarily reformed the way mentally ill patients are treated She created the first mental hospitals across the US and Europe and changed the perception of the mentally ill.