Preventing falls in older multifocal glasses wearers by providing single-lens distance glasses

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Preventing falls in older multifocal glasses wearers by providing single-lens distance glasses by Mind Map: Preventing falls in older multifocal glasses wearers by providing single-lens distance glasses

1. Determine if prescription of single-distance lenses are recommended to prevent falls in users of multifocal glasses

2. objectives

3. Method

4. 580 adults will participate

5. multifocal lens users

6. Participants will be assigned lenses from a unique lenses

7. the primary measurements will be the result of the first fall

8. the secondary measures will be with a follow-up of the quality of life and the physical activity

9. Study results

10. When using multifocal lenses, older people showed greater variability in the minimum vertical space of the foot when climbing

11. People wearing multifocal lenses were more likely to fall during follow-up

12. Users of multifocal glasses were more likely to fall when they were out of their homes, and when they went up or down stairs by 41%

13. Determine whether the provision of complementary single-lens distance lenses for elderly multifocal lens users, along with recommendations for use in outdoor and standing activities, can reduce fall rates over a 13-month period

14. The participants are chosen if they run a risk of falls from 65 to 79 years

15. Include : a user of bifocals, trifocals or with progressive lenses 3times / week when walking outdoors

16. For research, people will not be eligible if:

17. 1. have a cognitive disability 2. A serious visual impairment 3. Does not understand the English language for the evaluation 4. Have an unstable medical condition at the time of enrollment.

18. Compliance and adverse events.

19. Compliance will be measured each month according to the recommendations given by means of a questionnaire

20. The report of the type of lenses used is recorded

21. falls caused by any event other than the change of multifocal lenses will be recorded in fall schedules

22. Calculate the effect of the lenses on the health status, lifestyle and fear of users falling

23. Background

24. Refractive error

25. presbyopia

26. It occurs when the crystalline lens of the eye loses flexibility

27. Makes it difficult to focus on nearby objects

28. Correction is done with lenses that have far vision and near vision or multifocal lenses

29. Multifocal lenses

30. advantage

31. Useful for focal length changes

32. Tasks such as: driving, shopping and cooking

33. disadvantages

34. There is a blur of distant objects in the lower part of the lens

35. affect the perception of distant depth and contrast sensitivity

36. The negotiation of steps and the precision of the placement of the foot when treading a raised surface in elderly people

37. Initial evaluation

38. It will be explained to the people in which the research consists

39. Participants will be asked if they are sure they can use the lenses

40. They will be asked to sign a consent and an evaluation

41. All patient data and possible data that may alter the results as medical records will be recorded.

42. Monocular and binocular visual acuity will be evaluated

43. The risk of falls and functional mobility will be measured with the TUG test

44. Then the participants will enter the study and will be assigned to the control groups

45. Intervention

46. - The participants will have an objective refraction exam with the optometra

47. - They will prescribe unique lens distance lenses

48. The correction for the single lens glasses will be combined with the prescription of the upper segment of your multifocal glasses

49. - Four weeks later, the participants will receive their lenses

50. An optometrist will demonstrate how multifocal lenses can affect visual abilities by detecting obstacles and assessing depth,

51. Will do tests of contrast sensitivity and seeing stimuli in the upper and lower part of multifocal lenses

52. Images will be projected with distortion and without distortion of the lower visual field to increase the risk of falls with multifocal

53. It is used to prevent users from using multifoca

54. The optometrist will advise the participants to use single lens lenses for many activities at home and abroad

55. the use of multifocal lenses will be recommended for tasks where there is a minimum risk