boot migration

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boot migration by Mind Map: boot migration

1. gradle build ?

2. Side Notes

2.1. schedule & async

2.1.1. disable xml <task:annotation-driven/>

2.1.2. add @EnableScheduling & @EnableAsync

2.1.3. references Multiple AsyncAnnotationBeanPostProcessor within spring context What is annotation for <task:annotation-driven> in spring 4.3 How To Do @Async in Spring | Baeldung 27. Task Execution and Scheduling

2.1.4. migrate Executors in appContext-infra.xml to Java config

3. starters in build.gradle

3.1. boot:1.2.8.RELEASE

3.1.1. remove all the web-specific dependencies before using the spring-boot-starter-web

4. static void main

4.1. @SpringBootApplication OddleApplication

5. static resources

5.1. already in old AppConfig

5.1.1. @Override WebMvcConfigurerAdapter. addResourceHandlers

5.2. default servlet in web.xml

5.2.1. Apache Tomcat 8 (8.0.53) - Default Servlet Reference

6. servlet + filter in web.xml

6.1. ApplicationContextConfig

6.1.1. How to Register a Servlet in Java | Baeldung

6.1.2. How to define Servlet filter order of execution in Spring Boot application

6.2. FilterRegistrationBean

6.2.1. 26. Developing web applications

6.2.2. 64. Embedded servlet containers

6.2.3. How to Define a Spring Boot Filter? | Baeldung

7. import xml configs

7.1. @ImportResource

7.1.1. need to import xml like web.xml

7.2. currently in web.xml

7.2.1. appContext-infra.xml

7.2.2. appContext-security.xml

7.2.3. webContext-infra.xml


8.1. application-<profile>.properties

8.1.1. spring> vs. boot> Properties with Spring and Spring Boot | Baeldung order 10. @PropertySource 23. Externalized Configuration

9. view engine

9.1. currently have webContext-infra.xml

9.1.1. <bean ... <property name="prefix"> <value>/WEB-INF/jsp/</value> ... <property name="suffix"> <value>.jsp</value> ...

9.2. do we need

9.2.1. spring.mvc.view.prefix=/WEB-INF/views/ spring.mvc.view.suffix=.jsp

10. deployable as a war file

10.1. extends SpringBootServletInitializer

10.1.1. A Quick Intro to the SpringBootServletInitializer | Baeldung

10.2. If your existing application has more than one ApplicationContext then you might be able to squash all your context sources into a single SpringApplication

10.2.1. 74. Traditional deployment