Checks and Balances

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Checks and Balances by Mind Map: Checks and Balances

1. Branches of Power

1.1. Legislative Branch

1.1.1. House Of Representatives

1.1.2. Senate

1.2. Judicial Branch

1.2.1. Supreme Court

1.3. Executive Branch

1.3.1. Cabinet

1.3.2. President

2. Propose a bill

3. We the People

3.1. Local Communities

3.2. Goals and Desires

3.3. Different Views of life

4. Elections-Vote

5. Elections 2018

6. Parties

6.1. Democratic

6.1.1. Progressive

6.1.2. Liberal

6.1.3. "Big Government"

6.1.4. Pro-Choice

6.1.5. Climate Change is human-caused

6.1.6. Pro-immigration

6.1.7. Pro same-sex marriage

6.2. Republican

6.2.1. Conservative

6.2.2. Less government influence

6.2.3. Fiscal conservatism

6.2.4. Pro-Life

6.2.5. Climate Change is not human-caused

6.2.6. Anti-immigration (Nationalist)

6.2.7. Anti- same-sex marriage

6.3. Green

6.4. Independent