Criminalization of Antisocial Behavior

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Criminalization of Antisocial Behavior by Mind Map: Criminalization of Antisocial Behavior

1. History of

1.1. United Kingdom (Pickard, 2014; Curtis, 2015; Research, Development, and Statistics Directorate, 2004 )

1.1.1. ASBOs (The Crown Prosecution Service, no date) Further insight on the effectiveness and reception of ASBOs (Brajuex, 2015; Brown, 2013; MacDonald, 2006; Donoghue, 2007; Crawford, 2009) Post ASBOs (Wigzell, 2014) Media Coverage of ASBOS (McCartheigh, 2018; Williams 2018, Fixers UK, 2015)

1.2. United States (Curtis, 2015)

2. Criminalization and Why Crime Occurs

2.1. Morality vs Legality (Duff et. al. , 2015)

2.2. As a form of deterrence (Loughran et. al., 2015; Carvalho, 2017)

2.3. Sociological Perspectives

2.3.1. Labelling Theory (Triplett and Upton, 2015)

2.3.2. Social Disorganization and criminalization as a form of control over lower classes (Kubrin and Wo, 2015; Britt and Rocque, 2015) Effect on Child Behavior (Church, Jaggers, and Taylor, 2012) Strain Theory and the Economy (Agnew, 2015)

2.3.3. Routine Activity Theory (Agustine and Felson, 2015) Broken Windows Theory (Welsh, Braga, and Bruinsma, 2015)

3. Defining Anti Social Behavior

3.1. Home Office: Crime and Disorder Act of 1998 and RDS typology of anti social behavior (Research, Development, and Statistics Directorate, 2004)

3.2. Antisocial Behavior in Youth (Gibbs, 2013; Patterson, et al 1990; Dalton, 2010; Cauffman et. al., 2015; Gail et. al, 2010)

3.3. Race and Antisocial Behavior

3.3.1. Correlations of antisocial behavior being treated with harsher social punishments when committed by non-white students in a white majority (Lynn, 2010)

3.4. Moral Panics ( Cohen, 2011; Goode and Nachman, 2009)

4. Child Development

4.1. Social Development of Children

4.1.1. Bandura and McDonald's experiments attempt to prove that children learn morality from social interaction (Cowan, 1969)

4.2. Moral Development

4.2.1. Kohlbergs Stages of Moral Development (Gibbs, 2013). Moral development comes in stages similar to cognitive development. Critique of this theory includes contradictions within the stages.

4.2.2. Social Cognitive Theory of Moral Thought and Action (Bandura, 1991). An individual's processing of morals is influenced by multiple factors that interact.

4.2.3. Piaget's stages of moral development are sequential and challenge the social development views of Bandura and Macdonald. (Cowan, 1969)

4.3. Cognitive Development

4.3.1. Piaget believed cognitive development comes from the child's interactions with environment and is an internal process. (Meadows, 2006)

4.3.2. Vgostsky believed cognitive development comes purely from social development and phenomena (Meadows, 2006)

4.4. Multiple Intelligences and potential fluidity of development of intelligence (Meadows, 2006)

4.5. Personality Development

4.5.1. The Big 5 personality traits and learning style can affect how a child develops academically (Komarraju, 2011)

4.5.2. Freud Id Ego Superego may account for internalized self policing of actions and understanding of right and wrong. (Szaluta 2001)