Research & Assessment to Improve Student Learning 2018 By Raven Aravandino

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Research & Assessment to Improve Student Learning 2018 By Raven Aravandino by Mind Map: Research & Assessment to Improve Student Learning 2018 By Raven Aravandino

1. Although I like rubrics, I feel as though they are time consuming in terms of creating them. It keeps the assessment in boxes and provides no wiggle room.

2. Week 4 Assessment Tools

2.1. Rubrics

2.1.1. I like the benefit of single point rubrics. It's more personalized and only shows students level 3 (the expectations)

2.1.2. Important to start rubrics at level 4 rather than 4. Level 4/3 are what we want our students to achieve and should show that first.

2.2. Data Collection

2.2.1. Detailed and provides assessment of learning.

2.2.2. A great assessment tool for Kindergarten

2.2.3. Can be put into documentation portfolios and keeps students assessment records for parents/interviews

2.2.4. One of my favourite assessment tools, but can be very time consuming.

2.3. Checklists

2.3.1. Quick

2.3.2. Clearly outlines expectations

2.3.3. Good introduction for self-assessment

2.3.4. Although I like the efficiency of this assessment tool, I find it does not help students push forward with their learning.

2.4. Anecdotal Notes

2.4.1. Also good for Kindergarten

2.4.2. Detailed assessment of learning.

2.5. Self / Peer Assessment

2.5.1. Does not always have to be formal

2.5.2. Can be oral - good for ELL students

2.5.3. I really like this tool, especially to use with large that will have many steps.

3. Week 5

3.1. Rubrics

3.1.1. Start the rubric with Level 4 and go backwards rather than Level 1 and go up. This is a simple change that can make a difference that I never considered!

3.1.2. Rubrics are time consuming for teachers to create (therefore they often take other ones without adapting it to their assessment) AND It's a lot to read. I know when I was a student, I never read it

3.1.3. I absolutely LOVE single point rubrics. It's a lost simpler to create, for students to read and it ONLY shows them the expectations. This is definitely an assessment tool I will be using often in my future practice.

3.2. 10 Principles

3.2.1. Help students understand the role of formative assessment." I never considered informing them the purpose of assessment. However I feel like as a student myself I would appreciate understanding that it's not JUST a grade.

3.2.2. Make room for student differences. This reminds me of an experiences during my placement. We were working on an art lesson (Warm and Cool colours and how to use it) and all the students wanted to use pastels. This one boy was struggling and didn't want to use pastels, I told him you can use crayons (The success criteria was using warm colours and cool colours effectively, not using pastels) However my associate teacher said no he HAS to use it, no exceptions.... This made no sense to me, what did it matter what art tool he used? He was still meeting the expectation.

3.2.3. Provide Instructive Feedback This is definitely something that is going to take practice. But I understand the benefits it will have. When I read comments, Any time I saw "Well Done" I didn't read further.

3.2.4. Begin with clear Knowledge, Understanding, and Dos

3.2.5. Make feedback user-friendly I hope to provide effective feedback to make students think how to improve.

3.2.6. Assess Persistently Teachers should be active

3.2.7. Engage students with formative assessment This is an important revolation for me and my practice. I hope to include the students in the assessment process as much as I can

3.2.8. Look for patterns

3.2.9. Plan instruction around content requirements and student needs

3.2.10. Repeat the process


3.3.1. This was a big "aha" moment for me., and something that I know will take practice.

4. Week 6

4.1. Data

4.1.1. Other data is important to consider that may effect assessment.

4.1.2. Using the data to improve students learning. I liked the example given in class. about the change in schedule helped students so there were less days where students were going to the office. In my philosophy, I am a big believer in the effect an environment has on students learning. This includes schedule!

4.1.3. The most important thing for me when collecting data on my students is to make decisions to support students.

4.2. What is School For? by Prince Ea

4.2.1. This video is very important to me. I think as teachers we stress about "meeting all the expectations by the end of the year" but why? We forget it anyways. I hope I will not get sucked into this cycle, I want to focus on students develop a love of learning, not in the way that I experienced. It took me a long time to learn to love learning, and love reading. This is a big reason why I am drawn to the Kindergarten program. I love the idea of inquiry and exploration!

5. If we can take the time to accommodate students with IEPs, we can also accommodate for all students.

6. Week 1

6.1. Students can reach any target they know about and that holds still for them. - Rick Stiggins

6.1.1. This quote really stood out to me and made me reevaluate my teaching practice because it reminds me of when I was a student. I never felt like I accomplished anything in my learning, because there was always something new to learn. The target was always moved.

6.2. The Students

6.2.1. The students are the most important part of teaching.

6.2.2. It's all about perspective - knowing your students

6.3. Why Do We Assess?

6.3.1. Assessment of Learning

6.3.2. Assessment for Learning

6.3.3. Assessment as Learning

6.3.4. Support Learning Assessment should be supporting their learning Giving a student a 0 does not support learning, it actually does the opposite.

6.4. Use the most current and consistent grades

6.4.1. This was a revelation for me. I always wondered how a teacher would come up with an over all grade. I like the face that the most consistant and current grades are used. As adults, we all have bad days, where we are not performing at our best, students have those days too. Does that mean we should penalize them for having a bad day? My answer is no!

6.4.2. As a university student... I've handed in late work. Sometimes things just happen and I'm unable to get ALL more work handed in on time. There were times that I wanted to give up and not do it, luckily I had amazing teachers who understood and gave me extensions. Why can't this be done for elementary students? Why do their grades have to suffer? It This contaminates a students image of assignments and of learning. They'll give up before they try.

7. Week 2

7.1. IEPS

7.2. The Achievement Chart

7.2.1. Helps teachers plan based on expectations.

7.2.2. Provides meaningful feedback

7.2.3. God basis for creating rubrics, but should not be copied word for word - this is not beneficial for your students.

7.3. Knowledge Application Thinking Communication

7.3.1. As a student, I remember being assessed in these areas, but I honestly did know know what it meant or the difference between them all - not good.

7.3.2. For the longest time I confused Thinking and Communication however I better understand the difference now. Thinking - There may be more than one way to determine the answer Communicate - Communicate your findings (example problem solving)

7.4. Assessment should be accessible to all students

7.5. Report Cards

7.5.1. Report cards makes me nervous, but understanding the importance of next steps - but i think the biggest take away for me as a teacher is adding little details

7.5.2. Progress Reports - comments only

8. Week 3

8.1. Kindergarten Assessment

8.1.1. Early Learning–Kindergarten teams with many opportunities for ongoing observation and assessment of children’s strengths, needs, and interests" (The Kindergarten Program, 2016, p.12)

8.1.2. Team effort with both ECE and Teacher I anticipate that keeping up with the observations may be difficult.

8.1.3. Assessment of learning is shared with parents daily.

8.1.4. There is no grades attached to kindergarten report cards - focused on individual growth and based more on comments.

8.1.5. Inquiry