Input & Output Devices

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Input & Output Devices por Mind Map: Input & Output Devices

1. Keyboards

1.1. Benefits: students become competent in keyboarding

1.2. Challenges: This devices is not appropriate for students who have difficulty using their arms and hands.

1.3. Applications: Students and teachers type commands and data into the computer. The data can be manipulated before printing.

2. Digital Camera

2.1. Benefits: capture pictures to use for projects and reports

2.2. Challenges: Student must be near the computer to upload the pictures. The camera sits near the computer in a cradel.

2.3. Applications: post digital photos for others to see, use for project enhancement.

3. Monitor

3.1. Benefits:display computer information

3.2. Challenges: all students might not be abel to see this screen from afar.

3.3. Application: basic computer use for viewing videos and DVD

4. Printers

4.1. Benefits: Allows students to print out documents that were created. Teachers can print worksheets and evaluation forms

4.2. Challenges: Can be costly to print digital photos and colored projects

4.3. Applications: assist teachers in printing color demonstrations and test papers.