Pressure leading to change the behaviour of a normal individual

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Pressure leading to change the behaviour of a normal individual by Mind Map: Pressure leading to change the behaviour of a normal individual

1. Exceptional circumstances

1.1. sect

1.1.1. immoral acts

1.1.2. pressure to conform to the belief of the sect

1.1.3. pressure to add new people to the sect

1.1.4. pressure to give just about everything to the sect

1.1.5. how the perception of normality is altered

1.2. jail

1.2.1. gangs

1.2.2. racial conflict

1.2.3. isolation

1.2.4. omnipresence of violence

2. External pressure

2.1. Family

2.2. work

2.3. Education

2.3.1. School

2.3.2. University

2.4. Trends

2.5. Society

2.5.1. gender stereotype Sexism

2.5.2. social networks

2.5.3. Lifestyle

2.5.4. Conformisme

2.5.5. Individualism vs Collectivism

2.5.6. obedience to the religion precept

2.6. religion

2.7. Culture

3. Sudden events

3.1. Winning a lottery

3.2. relationships

3.3. debt

3.4. accident

3.5. Catastrophes

3.6. Health

4. Inner pressure

4.1. Self-perception

4.2. Attitudes

4.3. Beliefs

4.4. pathologies

4.4.1. eating disorders

4.4.2. mental disorders