Ultra sound guided IV insertion studies vs traditional iv insertions

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Ultra sound guided IV insertion studies vs traditional iv insertions by Mind Map: Ultra sound guided IV insertion studies vs traditional iv insertions

1. All studies took place in Emergency Room settings when access was needed for medical intervention.

2. All studies showed that the patient suffered from a minimum of two traditional IV attempts prior to having ultrasound guided iv assistance

2.1. Studies showed that the most trained staffed were attempting to start ivs on these patients, with as few as 2 attempts but as many as 10 attempts but never more than 2 attempts by the same nurse.

3. All studies discuss the patients health and other morbitities, and when the patients may just have bad veins for any access peripherally

3.1. Patients major concern was obesity, chemotherapy use, intravenous drug use prior, age

4. None of the studies included patient who had to have PICC lines or central line placements placed.

5. All studies discussed the pain related to may peripheral IV insertions attempts

6. Majority of the studies ended in a conclusion that having the ultrasound guided iv insertion available was good for patients

7. All studies agreed that there were not many studies of its kind regarding ultrasound guided IV insertion