The HR Manager is writing an email to a new employee.

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The HR Manager is writing an email to a new employee. by Mind Map: The HR Manager is writing  an email to a new employee.

1. hfs

2. Introduction

2.1. I am writing to welcome you to the company. As we agreed, you will start next Monday.

3. Details

3.1. Information about the department, staff/colleagues, manager, working hours, lunch/ coffee breaks, etc.

3.1.1. The Sales Department is on the third floor and your office is at the end of the corridor. You will be working with three colleagues, in charge of different markets. Your manager is Mrs Williams. Her office is next to the meeting room and her personal assistant is Mr Smith.

3.1.2. Working hours are from 9 to 5:00, Monday to Friday, but sometimes we have to stay longer for special meetings. There is a good cafeteria in the building and employees usually have their lunch there from 2:00 to 2:45.

4. Closing

4.1. I look forward to seeing you next week. Regards,

4.2. Ms Sullivan HR Manager

5. Greeting

5.1. Dear Mr/Ms Jones,

6. First task

6.1. Meeting with the manager (date, time) to inform of his/her responsibilities

6.1.1. On Monday at 11.30 you will have a meeting with Mrs Williams in her office. She will give you instructions about your job in the Sales Department.