La Vie Marketing Mix 5 P's

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La Vie Marketing Mix 5 P's by Mind Map: La Vie Marketing Mix 5 P's

1. Price

1.1. Compare to competitors

1.1.1. Saje

1.1.2. doTerra

1.1.3. Plant Therapy

1.1.4. Edens Garden

1.2. Mid-range pricing for market

1.2.1. Affordable for middle class clientele

1.2.2. Appealing to high end clientele

1.2.3. Can't be too low for industry standards because need to make a profit

2. Place

2.1. Originates in south of France

2.1.1. Expand USA Canada Germany Spain Italy U.K.

2.2. Location for retail

2.2.1. Boutiques

2.2.2. Malls

2.2.3. La Vie Stores

2.2.4. Online La Vie store

3. People

3.1. Target Market

3.1.1. Health and Wellness seekers

3.1.2. Mainly Women

3.1.3. People who suffer from mild ailments Insomnia Digestion issues Skin irritations

3.2. Sales Associates

3.2.1. Friendly

3.2.2. Organized

3.2.3. Punctual

3.2.4. Helpful

3.3. Production of oils

3.3.1. Employees harvesting oils from plants

3.3.2. Employees processing the oils for intended uses

3.3.3. Employees packaging La Vie products

3.3.4. Distribution companies involved

4. Product

4.1. Essential oils

4.1.1. Lavender

4.1.2. Tea Tree

4.1.3. Frankincense

4.2. Diffusers

4.2.1. Different sizes

4.2.2. Different prices

4.3. Miscellaneous

4.3.1. Lip balm

4.3.2. Hand cream

4.4. Uses

4.4.1. Sleep Insomnia

4.4.2. Medicinal Digestion

4.4.3. Stress Relief

4.4.4. Skin Care Burns Acne Dry Skin

4.5. From south of France

4.5.1. Purest

4.5.2. Most natural

5. Promotion

5.1. Social Media

5.1.1. Facebook

5.1.2. Instagram

5.1.3. Twitter

5.2. Email

5.2.1. Subscribers

5.2.2. Promote sales and products

5.3. Free samples

5.3.1. Small essential oils

5.3.2. Lip balm

5.3.3. Hand cream

5.4. Physical

5.4.1. Posters

5.4.2. Flyers

5.5. Brochures

5.6. Online website

5.6.1. Promotes sales

5.6.2. Uses of products