Teaching to variability

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Teaching to variability by Mind Map: Teaching to variability

1. Who in your contexts are the students?

1.1. Diverse ethnic backgrounds

1.2. English Language Learners

1.3. JK-12 students

1.4. Students with diverse learning needs

1.4.1. visual impairment

1.4.2. learning disability

1.4.3. autism

1.4.4. depression and anxiety

2. Who in your contexts is responsible for removing barriers to learning?

2.1. Ideally everyone is involved and aware of the inclusive practices in a school

2.2. Learning support teachers work in collaboration with classroom teachers to remove barriers to learning

2.3. UDL principles in action so that we can design classroom that provides access to all students instead of retrofitting the curriculum with adaptations and accommodations

3. What in your contexts are the barriers to learning?

3.1. School organization and resources

3.1.1. our administrators are very supportive of student services and introducing collaborative practices

3.1.2. time and resources are provided for collaboration, release time for co-planning, professional development

3.1.3. Junior school K-7 would benefit from additional resources in learning support

3.2. Cultures and policies

3.2.1. understanding supporting inclusive practices from a team-approach, i.e. the classroom teacher is actively differentiating their instruction, and the learning support teacher is not the only one responsible for the students with IEPs

3.2.2. building a policy that addresses the inclusion students with moderate to severe disabilities

3.3. Approaches to teaching and learning (ATL)

3.3.1. more collaboration between teachers in order to differentiate curriculum content level and assessment

3.3.2. use of technology to differentiate and collaborate

3.3.3. blended learning environment

3.3.4. personalized learning

3.4. Buildings and physical obstacles

3.4.1. wheelchair accessible washrooms and hallways

3.4.2. levelled, paved playground spaces

3.4.3. accessible swings and play structures

3.5. Relationships among the community

3.5.1. building awareness of learning diversity

3.5.2. increasing cultural sensitivity

3.5.3. increasing awareness of mental health challenges