Approaches to teaching and learning

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Approaches to teaching and learning by Mind Map: Approaches to teaching and learning

1. faculty and pedagogical leadership

1.1. faculty PD

1.2. appraisal and evaluation

1.3. faculty meetings

1.4. department and team meetings

1.5. collaboration and team building

1.6. roles

1.6.1. DP coordinator

1.6.2. school librarian

1.6.3. IT teacher

2. curriculum

2.1. school timetable

2.2. assessment timetable

2.3. assessment policy

2.3.1. report cards

3. students

3.1. Communication

3.2. Social

3.3. Thinking

3.4. Affective

3.5. Self-management

4. school mission statement

4.1. school policies

4.2. curriculum

5. parents

5.1. parent, teacher, student conferences