A Very Merry Christmas Concert

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A Very Merry Christmas Concert by Mind Map: A Very Merry Christmas Concert

1. Project Team

1.1. Assignments

1.2. Risk tracking

1.3. Lessons learned

2. External Vendors

2.1. Schedules and Deadlines

2.2. Delays

3. Relevant Internal Department

3.1. Status

3.2. Changes to deliverables' deadline

4. Communications Plan

4.1. Time Map of the Event Plan

4.2. Responsibilities

5. Delivery Channels

5.1. Email

5.1.1. Information Provider e.g. Team Leader

5.1.2. Collection Timeframe e.g. 20th of every month

5.2. Discussion Boards

6. Stakeholders

6.1. Project Plan

6.2. Budget

6.3. Status

6.4. Change requests and risk managements

7. Introduction

7.1. Summary

7.2. SWOT Analysis

7.2.1. Strengths

7.2.2. Weaknesses

7.2.3. Opportunities

7.2.4. Threats

8. Objectives

8.1. 1. To create...

8.2. 2. To properly..

8.3. 3. To effectively..