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Memory by Mind Map: Memory

1. Working memory

1.1. A never understanding of short term

1.2. Memory that adds conscious active processing of incoming auditory and visual

2. Long term memory

2.1. The relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system.

2.2. Include knowledge, skills, and experiences.

3. Short term memory

3.1. Activated memory that holds a few items briefly before the information is stored or forgotten

4. Memory storage

4.1. Parricidal memory

4.1.1. Memory of highly practiced skills

4.2. Explict memory

4.2.1. Memory of fact and events that can retrieval

4.3. Conditioned response

4.3.1. Binaural or emotions that occur automatically as reacions to outside events as a result at past associon tons.

5. Déjà Vu

5.1. That eerie sense that you have experienced something before.

5.2. What is occurring is that the current situation cues past experiences that are very similar to the present one, you mind gets confused.

6. Proactive interference

6.1. Occurs when you are being tested on NEW information and old information interferes proper retrieval.

6.2. I know this seems reversed. To get this correct you must first ask yourself... "What is being tested?"

6.3. If the answer is NEW information the term you use is PROactive INterference

6.4. Psychologists have found that recall of later items can be improved by making them distinctive from early items.

7. Retroactive INterference

8. Memory is a construct

8.1. When we remember something, we're taking bits and pieces of experience - sometimes from different times and places - and bringing it all together to construct what might feel like a recollection but is actually a construction.

8.2. The process of calling it into conscious awareness can change it.

9. Autobiographical memory

9.1. Recollection of events in our life

9.2. More recent events are easier to recall

9.3. Hypethethymesia condition of possessing an extremely detailed autobiographical memory.

10. Storage

10.1. The retention of encoded material overtime

11. Retrieval

11.1. The process of getting the information out of memory storage

11.2. Recall

11.2.1. You must retrieve the information from your memory Fill-in-the blank or essay tests

11.3. Recognition

11.3.1. You must identify the target form passible targets Multiple-choice tests

11.4. Relearning

11.5. Retrieval Cues

11.5.1. Priming To retrieve a specific memory from the web of associations, you must first activate one of the strands that leads to it. This process is called priming.

12. Encoding

12.1. The processing of information into the memory system

12.2. Unconscious encoding of very information such as space and time well learning

12.3. Parallel processing

12.3.1. The processing of many aspects of a problem at the same the brains natural made of information processing for many functions

12.4. Implicity memory

12.4.1. Retention of learned skills, or classically conditioned associations without conscious awareness

12.5. Explicit memory

12.5.1. Retention of facts and personal events your can consciously retrieve.

13. Context-Dependent Memory

13.1. It helps to put yourself back in the same context you experienced (encoded) something.

13.2. If you study on your favorite chair at home, you will probably score higher if you also took the test on the chair.

14. Mood Congruent Memory

14.1. Tendency to recall experiences that are

15. Amnesia

15.1. Anterograde Amnesia - you can recall the past but cannot form new memories

15.1.1. However H.M. and Jimmie could recall things they've learned through automative processing.

15.1.2. Most common for a short period of learning

15.2. Retrograde Amnesia is when you can't recall past memories stored in LTM

16. Retro-active Interference

16.1. Occurs when you are being tested on old information and new information

17. Eyewitness testimony

17.1. Shown to be unreliable

17.2. People's recall for events may be influenced by what they heard or constructed after the incident

17.3. Memory is reconstructed

17.4. Study after study has shown that there is no correlation between the subjective feeling of certainty on has about a memory, and the memory's accuracy

18. Eidetic Memory