1. How do we do it
1.1. Create sample videos for each type
1.2. Research similiar markets
1.2.1. Look at videos from other markets Youtube WCM Arena Junkies
1.2.2. Get a feel for which types of videos are most popular based on the other markets A report that compares different types of videos on these three platforms and gives an analysis of why one video type is more popular than another Same video types from the same author and the videos have the same marketing, which types do better Other analysis
1.3. Talk with non members
1.3.1. Discussion, one on one, or in a group Initially talk with non members and ask them what types of videos they would most like to see Enough people until we get 20 useful responses Randomly from city on pvp server Randomly from city on nonpvp server Create new sample types of content Talk with non members after they have watched a sample video for a new type of content How do we incentivize Try with lots of gold
1.4. Three videos of different types
1.4.1. Ask people to watch three videos and say which one is their favority
1.4.2. no biases on class etc
1.5. Put the new types of videos on youtube
1.5.1. Test them by asking people to comment on the videos
1.5.2. Test them by seeing how many views the videos get
1.6. points to identify
1.6.1. What do people like
1.6.2. What are people willing to pay for
2. Important things to keep track of for feedback
2.1. Need demographics to make sure we are getting quazi randmo
2.1.1. Arena team name if present
2.1.2. highest arena rating
2.1.3. percent time spent pvp,
2.1.4. percent time spent pve
2.1.5. percentage of gear that is epic
2.1.6. character name if possible
2.1.7. Have they heard of skill capped before or not way more important for us to get people that haven't heard of us, hearing about us creates a large bias already.
3. targets
3.1. 100 interviews+
3.2. Budget of 2k
3.3. Interviews have to be recorded
4. Incentives
4.1. $10 in pet per interview
4.2. $10 per interview for paypal
4.3. 1/100 chance to win a ipad, or ipod, or whatever
4.3.1. Starcraft II
4.3.2. Diablo
4.3.3. Probably non wow thing though razer naga something apple
5. Decide whether we want to focus on these new types of videos, or just add some
6. Types of Videos
6.1. Battleground
6.2. Domination
6.2.1. one character versus newbs
6.2.2. arena team versus newbs Gladiator takes his arena team with him and pwns towns of people
6.3. Dueling
6.3.1. All class v class play worse players to show how to beat other specs you shouldn't be able to beat.
6.4. User submitted
6.4.1. Gladiator takes these videos and crtiques them
6.4.2. Gladiator uses camtasia to record themselves watching a user submitted video Takes almost no time for the gladiator to make Use your mouse to point with
6.4.3. Needs development of a new uploader
6.4.4. Not only arena videos, also must do user submitted for battleground and duels
6.5. Lectures
6.6. Webcam video on videos
6.7. Get a video from a top name and use editing to create very professional videos
6.7.1. Use in house editing
6.7.2. Pay less for the video + commentary
7. Videos we need made
7.1. Domination Videos
7.2. Video where someone says EVERY SINGLE THING that they are doing, annoyingly.
7.3. A lot of sample videos broken up into 3 or 4 minute chunks
7.3.1. Used during a conversation with someone so we can get their feedback.
8. How we get feedback
8.1. Ads to get new people to come look at videos
8.1.1. Video text "Skill Capped is trying to improve the quality of it's instructional videos, click here to watch a free instructinal pvp video and give us feedback"
8.1.2. Goes to a page where we have a video and we just request feedback on that video. Allow someone to watch a video and then submit data. javascript that fills in a submit field on the actual duration of the video they watched. Please contact us ok skype we would really love to talk more about your thoughts. maybe plan a time that we are having an open conversation and they could join We are paying $10 dollars on paypal to meet with us and talk with us about your world of warcraft experience
8.2. We can also give out the "watch a video and give us feedback links" in game
8.3. Get people from battlegrounds to talk with us in person
8.3.1. so give out an in game message in the battleground that's something like Skill capped (validity statement) has millions of players and is trying to improve it's content. We need your help and want to talk to people over skype to understand how we can optimize our instructional videos. We are giving your choice of in game pet from the petstore or $10 dollars over paypal to talk with us on skype. Lots of ways we could phrase this better
8.3.2. Watch a free video from "thorrior" who is one of the best players in the world dominate other players in a bg including plenty of 2v1 and 3v1 encounters. We just want your freedback on the video, go here (x) to watch the video and give us your feedback. No strings attached.
8.4. Be careful about
8.4.1. We don't want to get feedback that is biased only certain people are going to want in game pets Older people may not want $10 dollars as much as younger people
8.5. get feedback from cities and other more random places
8.5.1. target pve people
8.5.2. use same strategies as with battlegrounds
8.6. Use ads or ingame to say we are doing market research for world of warcraft and are incentivizing any feedback we get.
8.6.1. On a site other than skill capped buy a site like wowresearch.com
8.6.2. Not affiliate with skill capped
8.6.3. Try to get feedback about wow
8.6.4. What will we want.
8.6.5. Ask random questions Get demographic information Find out where they get pvp information Find our how much time they spend playing wow