Understanding Learning

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Understanding Learning by Mind Map: Understanding Learning

1. Behaviourism

1.1. Stimulus Response

1.2. Observable behavior

1.3. Major Concerns on learning

1.3.1. Smaller analytic parts

1.3.2. More than a response to a stimulus

1.3.3. Task context dependent

2. Merged theories

2.1. Learning is...

2.1.1. Socially constructed

2.1.2. Mediated through Language

2.1.3. Developed over time

3. Acquisition and Participation

3.1. Abstracted and generalized knowledge

3.2. Interaction + experience = new knowledge

4. Sociocultural theories

4.1. Thinking + diverse context

4.2. How learning is developed

4.2.1. inter-personal

4.2.2. intra- personal

4.3. Learning potential

4.3.1. Depends on mediation

4.4. Lantolf

4.4.1. More interaction and experiences = more mental activity.

5. Cognitive Theories

5.1. Opposed to behaviourism

5.2. Thinking mind

5.3. Context dependent

5.4. Learning

5.4.1. Process of active construction Background knowledge + New knowledge Meta cognition