Uses of Technology in Mathematics

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Uses of Technology in Mathematics by Mind Map: Uses of Technology in Mathematics

1. Implementation

1.1. Factors McColluch, Hollebrands, Lee, Harrison, & Mutlu (2018) Inan & Lowther (2010) Varier, Dumke, Abrams, Conklin, Barnes, & Hoover (2017) Khambari, Luan, & Ayub (2010)

2. Teacher/Student Attitudes

2.1. Teacher Attitude Sahin, Top, & Delen (2016)

2.2. Student Attitude Barkatsas, Kasimatis, & Gialamas (2009)

3. Comparison to Traditional Methods

3.1. Web-based versus Worksheets O'Malley., Jenkins, Wesley, Donehower, Rabuck, & Lewis. (2009) Mendicino, Razzaq, & Heffernan (2013) Haydon, Hawkins, Denune, Kimener, & McCoy (2012)

4. Impact on Achievement

4.1. Effects on Learning Li & Ma (2010) Delen & Bulut (2011) Gulek & Demirtas (2005) Kposowa & Valdez (2013) Means (2010) Lei & Zhao (2007)

4.2. Need for Further Study: Poverty and Standardized Testing Question: Should web-based standardized tests be considered discriminatory towards students in high poverty areas?