With regard to wind, describe the time of day that an early explorer might have planned to enter ...

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With regard to wind, describe the time of day that an early explorer might have planned to enter a harbor and when he might have planned to leave for his trip home. Explain the reasoning by utilizing the concept of local breezes. by Mind Map: With regard to wind, describe the time of day that an early explorer might have planned to enter a harbor and when he might have planned to leave for his trip home. Explain the reasoning by utilizing the concept of local breezes.

1. Local breezes

2. Land breeze

2.1. Land breeze comes from land blow to sea

2.1.1. Happens during night Land is cooler Air blows from high to low pressure

3. Sea breeze

3.1. Comes from sea blows to land

3.1.1. Happens during day Sea cooler Air blows from high to low pressure

4. Enter harbor

5. Leave harbor