What can I do...?

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What can I do...? by Mind Map: What can I do...?

1. school leaders

1.1. how to reach? how to convince of the importance?

2. teachers

3. counselors

4. training? workshops?

5. What can I learn about models, programs, or practices that have been successfully used by schools or organizations to improve the self-esteem of middle and high school students who have been or may be affected by bullying, so that I can create a guide to help schools without a current plan more easily create one?

5.1. guide = what can be improved or enhanced about what's already working and what can be tried that hasn't been tried before

6. major role - lead school-wide program, set example for other school staff

7. bullies

7.1. how to understand what leads a young person to bullying behavior and approach with empathy

7.1.1. lack of healthy self-esteem development in home life

8. victims

8.1. how to prevent those affected by bullying rise above victimization

9. parents

9.1. part of whole-community approach

10. How can I help bullying victims who are not helped by schoolwide interventions?

11. role of self-esteem

12. internal locus of control/growth mindset -- understanding different personality types -- introversion versus extroversion