Parties - organized group of people with similar interests who make decisions including financial...

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Parties - organized group of people with similar interests who make decisions including financial decisions by Mind Map: Parties - organized group of people with similar interests who make decisions including financial decisions

1. Interest Groups - private groups that seek to influence campaigns for their gain

1.1. Super PACs - type of interest group that cannot directly interact with parties or candidates but gathers funding

1.1.1. Campaign Contribution - funding from Super PACS

1.2. Lobbyists - act as middle man between interest groups and candidates

1.3. Issue Ads - ads made by interest groups to influence campaigns

2. Politicians - funded by parties

2.1. Campaigns - funded by politicians

2.1.1. Campaign Ad - form of campaigning

2.1.2. Mass Mailings - form of campaigning

2.2. Elections - selecting a politician for office

2.2.1. Voters - collectively decide the outcome of the election

2.3. Publicity - funded by politicians, influences their campaign

2.3.1. Media - majority of publicity

3. Protests - gatherings to show objection towards policy

3.1. Citizens United vs FEC - regulated campaign spending by organizations