Early Humans - E Block

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Early Humans - E Block by Mind Map: Early Humans - E Block

1. Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis

1.1. Burried dead with flowers

1.2. 5 foot 6

1.3. they started fires

1.4. these neanderthalansis cared about there sick and injured

1.5. they didn't now how to paint

2. Homo Sapiens Sapiens

2.1. First early humans to paint

2.2. they where mostly located in europe asia and australia

2.3. They were native in Africa.

2.4. they love art

2.5. they create music instruments

2.6. They did art to express there feelings.

2.7. they invent spear thrower and bows

2.8. last evolution before us

2.9. lived in one place

3. Australopithecus Afarensis

3.1. First bipeds

3.2. Australopithecus Afarensis means Southern Ape and a Afar Traingle.

3.3. They don't speak

3.4. Were three feet tall

3.5. Had long arms and had feet and hands

3.6. Didn't know how to start a fire.

3.7. Covered in hair

3.8. Forehead and jaw sticking out.

3.9. They could grab and carry things

3.10. they could make tools

4. Homo Erectus

4.1. Had bigger brains than Homo Habilies

4.2. First to use fire

4.3. they ate red deer

4.4. they take bath

4.5. they started too look mor human than ape

4.6. Used fire to travel to cold and dark places

5. Homo Habilis

5.1. Homo Habilis means handy man

5.2. no clothes

5.3. Lived in Africa

5.4. There are lots of people that live in their village.

5.5. Homo Habilis eats meat.

5.6. use sharpened rocks and digging sticks