Healthcare Information Technology

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Healthcare Information Technology by Mind Map: Healthcare Information Technology

1. Cancer Registry

1.1. Green & Bowie(2016) explained that a cancer registry is a computerized registry that conducts a lifetime follow-up on each cancer patient.

2. Coding and Abstracting

2.1. Green & Bowie (2016) defined coding and abstracting is healthcare information is assigning numeric and alphanumeric codes to diagnoses, procedures and services.

3. Medical Transcription

3.1. Green & Bowie(2016) explained that medical transcription is an accurate and timely transcription of legal reports.

4. Image Processing

4.1. Green & Bowie (2016) stated that image processing was the process of converting paper records to an electronic health record (EHR)

5. Incomplete Record Processing

5.1. Green & Bowie(2016) illustrated the incomplete record processing as a collection and analysis of discharged patient records.

6. Record Circulation

6.1. According to Green & Bowie (2016) Record Circulation is the retrieval of patient records for the purpose of inpatient readmission, scheduled and unscheduled outpatient clinic visits.