Good News

Good News

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Good News by Mind Map: Good News

1. Study Jesus' Pattern

2. Resist temptation

3. Study the word

4. Be a witness

5. Pray as He prayed

6. You need to be saved, Then harder not your heart and hear the word Romans 10:14-15,ESV. In the generalization of expressing a way to plan and tell the good News.1. If you believe, John 3;16;2. If you believe Jesus is God's son 1John 5:13;3. If you faith you will saved II Corinthians 7:10; 4. Your life will be changed Galatians 4:19; 5. You will live eternally with Jesus, Mark 16:16, (ESV).

7. Don't be a hypocrite

8. Stafford, Tim, (2006), Surprised by Jesus His Agenda for Changing Everything in A.D. 30 and Today, Inter Varsity Press, Downers Grove, IL.

9. Help other