Types of Validity and Reliability
by sherri g
1. Content Validity
1.1. This occurs when items on the test represent the entire range of possible items the test should cover.
2. Criterion-Related Validity
2.1. This occurs when the test has demonstrated its effectiveness in predicting criterion or or indicators of a construct.
3. Concurrent Validity
3.1. When the criterion measures are obtained at the same time as the test scores Concurrent Validity occurs.
4. Predictive Validity
4.1. This happens when the criterion measures are obtained at the time after the test.
5. Construct Validity
5.1. When a test demonstrates association between test scores and the prediction of a theoretical trait, Construct Validity occurs.
6. Inter-Rater Reliability
6.1. This type of reliablity is used when the same test is used, but different people are taking it.
7. Test-Re-test
7.1. This method is used when the same people take the test, but at different times.
8. Parallel-forms
8.1. When different people take different test at the same time, this occurs.
9. Internal Consistency
9.1. Different questions, but the same construct is used here.