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STEAM Ecosystem by Mind Map: STEAM Ecosystem

1. Local business

1.1. hardware store

1.2. fast food/restaurants

1.3. Richmond International Raceway

2. corporations

2.1. Dominion Energy

2.2. Rubik Cube

2.3. Lego

3. Local library

4. Nonprofit Organizations

4.1. Project Plant It

4.2. Donors Choose

5. Local Universities

6. school

6.1. PTA

6.2. faculty/colleagues

6.3. other schools in the district

6.4. school partners/HEF

6.4.1. MSIC

6.4.2. Maymont

6.4.3. Henricopolis

6.5. other schools

7. museums

7.1. Science Museum

7.2. Children's Museum

7.3. Lewis Ginter

7.4. VMFA

8. Parks

8.1. Maymont

8.2. Three Lakes

8.3. Henricus

9. Internet

9.1. Pinterest

9.2. Blogs

9.3. Google

9.3.1. CS First