What Does it Mean to Teach the 21st Century Learner?

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What Does it Mean to Teach the 21st Century Learner? by Mind Map: What Does it Mean to Teach the 21st Century Learner?

1. Fostering creativity in our students

2. Educate students on how to avoid lures that advertisers use on the internet that can suck them in to believing lies or falling for propaganda

3. Using collaboration and cooperation in the classroom

4. Show students how to use resources available to them (technology) in order to solve practical, real life problems

5. Help students develop as contributing and respectable citizens (through character education)

6. Instead of showing students how to know, let students practice skills needed to demonstrate their learning

7. Challenge all levels of learners to LOVE learning and to explore knowledge, history and the world around them

8. Don't look to the past, lead into the future

9. Try new things, take risks, and learn from the experiences

10. Keep students active (mentally and physically)

11. Relate students learning to their real lives

12. Prepare students for their life after school

13. Use simulations, role play and drama in the classroom to emotionally connect students to their learning

14. Sometimes it may even mean asking for help from your students

15. Thinking outside of the box

16. Being the facilitator of learning, not the giver of knowledge

17. Using the technologies that students are familiar with using to engage them in the classroom

18. Teaching students how to use technology effectively so that they can sort, validate, synthesize and communicate information that they find on the internet

19. Using games to teach students

20. Consider learning styles, gender differences, and brain based learning in your instruction

21. Ask for help and collaborate with other teachers and educators

22. Switch the focus from memorization and grades to understanding and applying

23. Learn to be flexible!

24. Inquiry learning

25. A constructivist approach to teaching and learning

26. Involvement, interaction and group work in the classroom

27. Discovery learning!