Podcast Brainstorming

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Podcast Brainstorming by Mind Map: Podcast Brainstorming

1. Early childhood signs for disordered eating/eating disorders

2. Associations between mental health and eating behaviors

2.1. Impact of mental health on nutrition/eating

3. Food Marketing

4. Sports Nutrition/Diet of Athletes

5. Specific Diets and Children (keto, intermittent fasting)

6. Summer Food Service Program

7. Schools

7.1. School Food Service

7.1.1. Naming school entrees

7.1.2. School cafeteria employees

7.1.3. Restructuring mealtime in schools

7.1.4. Between school differences in school food service participation

7.1.5. Packed lunch vs. school lunch

7.1.6. Perspectives on school meals

7.1.7. Stigma of school meals

7.1.8. School food service vendors (Chartwells)

7.1.9. Effect of CEP on student nutrition

7.2. Peer interactions during mealtimes

7.2.1. Peer pressure and eating behavior Lunchroom dynamics and eating

7.3. School nutrition programs

7.4. Elements of a healthy school food environment

8. Disordered Eating

8.1. Impact of obesity interventions on disordered eating and body image

8.2. Body image and disordered eating in LGBTQ youth

8.3. Social media and disordered eating

9. Body and food shaming in the media

10. Influence of farmer's markets on children's eating

11. Lifestyle Interventions to treat Childhood Obesity

12. Emerging Adulthood

12.1. Cooking skills among high schoolers

12.1.1. How can you prepare high schoolers for the transition to college?

12.2. College/university

12.2.1. University/institutional impacts on student wellness

12.2.2. Freshman 15

12.2.3. How diet changes as you enter college

12.2.4. Parenting styles and their influence on disordered eating

12.2.5. Promoting student wellness Choosing healthy options in the dining hall

12.3. teenagers and young adults not enrolled in college

13. Racial/ethnic and economic disparities in childhood obesity

13.1. Obesity among Hispanic Adolescents

13.2. Food experiences of low-income inviduals

13.3. Food Insecurity

13.3.1. Food insecurity and farmers' markets

14. Picky Eaters

14.1. tricks to get kids to eat veggies

15. Farm to Table

15.1. Farmer's Markets

16. Government and Agriculture

17. Food Allergies

17.1. Stigma of food allergies in school

17.2. Challenges and how to navigate

17.3. Parents of children with food allergies

18. Families/Parenting

18.1. family eating patterns

18.2. Family meals

18.2.1. What about families that don't cook?

18.2.2. What about families that don't eat meals together

18.2.3. How and where are meals eaten? Does it matter?

18.3. Cooking with kids

18.4. Parental dieting and its influence on children

18.5. Role of non-parents (babysitters) in feeding

18.6. Pressuring children to eat, unintended consequences of encouraging children to eat

18.7. Meal and snack planning

18.8. Probiotics for children, beliefs and impact on diet

19. Diverse food cultures

19.1. Supporting international/cultural diets in nutrition counseling and food service

19.2. Promoting local food

19.3. How history influences our food choices

19.4. Global food systems