Teaching the 21st century learner

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Teaching the 21st century learner by Mind Map: Teaching the 21st century learner

1. Teach

1.1. Responsibility

1.2. Reliability

1.3. Integrity

2. Teach skills to be applied in everyday life situations

3. Create

3.1. Blogging

3.2. Podcasting

3.3. Animating

3.4. Planning

3.5. Recording

3.6. Designing

3.7. Programming

3.8. Paraphrasing

3.9. Attributing

3.10. Subscribing

3.11. Editing

3.12. Twittering

3.13. Reflecting

3.14. Tagging

3.15. Commenting

3.16. Searching

3.17. Posting

3.18. Locating

3.19. Linking

3.20. Integrating

3.21. Networking

3.22. Bookmarking

3.23. Mashing

3.24. Uploading

4. Use Bloom's taxonomy

5. Teachers are the filters of knowledge

5.1. See what's out there

5.2. Start small

5.3. Collaborate

5.4. Take a risk

6. Keep students engaged with tools

7. Teach students about professionalism

8. Show students how to use information

9. Lessons

9.1. Relevant

9.2. Challenging

9.3. Engaging

10. Information can be found

10.1. Whatever

10.2. Whenever

10.3. Wherever