how to make $

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how to make $ by Mind Map: how to make $

1. Crime

1.1. rob bank

1.2. organized

1.3. ebay your neighbors crap

1.4. net "protection" racket

2. Games

2.1. online

2.1.1. ad supported Flash User gen flash games Java3d

2.2. For Phones

2.3. Desktop

2.3.1. Sell Models

2.4. Console

3. Invent something morons will buy

3.1. pet rock?

3.2. laptop lock

3.3. electronic crap with flashy lights

3.4. Something to make Americans lazier

3.4.1. Recliner with built in laptop docking station (and flashy lights)

4. Investments

4.1. Stock Market

4.1.1. Penny Stocks

4.1.2. Manipulate with spam

4.2. IRAs

4.3. CDs

5. Open a lemonaid stand

6. Puppy Leasing

6.1. Chinnese Take out

7. Internet

7.1. ads

7.1.1. web site

7.2. blog

7.3. web 2.o

7.3.1. build site that does nothing sell site to fox for 6B

7.4. Ebay your crap

7.4.1. Sell WoW gold for real $

8. sell yourself

8.1. sell body on streets

8.2. sell blood

8.3. sell semen

8.4. sell organs

8.5. part time work

8.5.1. contractor carpet/tile installation programer Ninja Assassin

8.5.2. Repair Comps in your spare time

8.6. Marry a rich B

8.6.1. If that fails, marry a rich B's sister

9. Create a Reality Show

9.1. "Nerds with Compy's"

9.2. "WoW pwnage: How to play WoW"

9.3. "Dancing with Nerds"

9.4. "American Idol: Nerds Edition"

9.5. "Who doesn't want to be a nerd"

9.6. POWs: