Asa Cornish: Project Life Cycle

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Asa Cornish: Project Life Cycle by Mind Map: Asa Cornish: Project Life Cycle

1. Monitoring and Controlling

1.1. Controlling change starting in the initiation phase until the closure phase and making recommendations actions to tackle potential roadblocks

1.2. Monitoring activities against project plan

1.3. Ensuring only approved changes are implemented

2. Initiation

2.1. Identifying project objectives/needs

2.2. Identifying stakeholders

2.3. Documentation of requirements, conditions and risk (statement of work)

2.4. Creation of business contract

3. Planning

3.1. Develop project plan

3.2. Identify and obtain project resources, materials and staff (strategic planning)

3.3. Estimating project budget

3.4. Determining the implementation of the project plan.

4. Execution

4.1. Utilizing resources to reach project goals

4.2. Identifying roadblocks and making proper adjustments

4.3. Tracking resources, budgets and managing time

5. Closure

5.1. Confirm completion of project

5.2. Discard project team and assign new task

5.3. Post Project Review

5.4. Document Impact

5.5. Release project resources