Digital Formative Assessments

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Digital Formative Assessments by Mind Map: Digital Formative Assessments

1. Socrative: This is an online program that can uses smartphones, tablets or computers to do online educational games that engage students.

2. Kahoot: online games that connect to smartphones and computers through online codes and create quizzes fro student compete in answering.

3. Padlet: Creates a blank canvas for students to use to create, videos and presentations for assessment or grading purposes.

4. Google Classroom: This is a web based program that allows teachers to enter assignments in online, as well as test and other items and collects that data for teachers to then go back and use.

5. Formative: This is an online response system that allows teachers to design and assign online activities that the results are given in real time.

6. Pear Deck: Smart device capable and offers free and unique questions to students.

7. Brain Pop: fun online interactive website that covers a multitude of different topics for students and offers free quizzes

8. StarFall: younger students online program offering subjects such as reading and math. Gives small formative assessments.

9. BookSnap:provides a digital way for learners to interact with text and with other learners. Only available for IOS at this time!

10. Five Card Flickr:This web site is designed to foster visual creativity by making stories out of photos. It is based completely on the Five Card Nancy game devised by comics guru Scott McCloud and the nifty web version at 741.5 Comics.

11. forallrubrics:ForAllRubrics - The Rubric & Badging Platform his software is free for all teachers and allows you to import, create, and score rubrics on your iPad, tablet, or smartphone. You can collect data offline with no internet access, compute scores automatically, and print or save the rubrics as a PDF or spreadsheet.

12. Animoto: Provides the students with the ability to make short animations detailing what they have learned.

13. Plickers: helps teachers collect realtime formative assessment data through the use of cellphones and answer cards, using only one device for the whole classroom.

14. Nearpod: This is an educational device that gathers evidence of student learning and can also plan lesson based on the data it has gathered.

15. Poll Daddy: a quick way to create online polls and quizzes.These are quick and effective ways for teachers to quiz students.

16. Quizlet: an online program that allows teachers to create and sample from quizzes that the answers are given to teachers in batch data amounts.

17. Poll Everywhere: online polling place for students. Teachers can develop their own questions.

18. KhanAcademy: Specific to math and the sciences. Offers online math lessons as well as chemistry and some science. Offers practice quizzes and tests.

19. Studyisland: covers all basic subjects and offers lessons and practice tests.

20. Buncee:A creation and presentation tool for students and educators to create interactive classroom content, allowing learners of all ages to visualize concepts and communicate creatively.

21. Coggle:The clear way to share complex information.