Lesson Planning

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Lesson Planning by Mind Map: Lesson Planning

1. Google Map

1.1. Objectives

1.1.1. Curriculum | Manitoba Education and TrainingManitoba Curriculum KH-031 Identify events and issues related to the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Examples: workers and working conditions, Chinese labourers, construction difficulties, mapping Canada...

1.1.2. I am going to use Google Maps to help students to understand the time line of building the CPR and where the different issues of building the railway occurred on the map.

1.1.3. Give examples of the impact of technological development on life in Canada from 1914 to 1945.

1.1.4. Information and Communication Technology | Manitoba Education • 4-VL-006 Appreciate Manitoba’s natural environment.

1.2. Essential Questions

1.2.1. Question 1 How did having the new technology of the railway impact Canada?

1.2.2. Question 2 What obstacles did CPR builder have to overcome?

1.2.3. Big Ideas The CPR meant that Canada could expand and grow at an accelerated rate.

1.3. Resources

1.3.1. Computer, Google Maps, Manitoba SS curriculum, Mantioba ICT curriculum, Resources on the building of the CPR.

1.3.2. https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1vU_rI81MlV6X0lVTdheUY-YZdxKsaQdb&ll=39.362202945192344%2C-122.75030182753744&z=3

1.3.3. https://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/cur/socstud/framework/k-8framework.pdf

1.3.4. Canadian Pacific Railway | The Canadian Encyclopedia

1.3.5. Our history

1.3.6. The Canadian Pacific Railway Timeline

1.4. Notes

1.4.1. Canadian Pacific Railway

1.4.2. Teach students about the development of the CPR and it's meaning for Canada as a country.

1.4.3. Students will use a template map of the CPR to explore different objectives listed in the SS curriculum.

1.4.4. Students will be able to measure different distances between towns that the CPR goes through

1.4.5. Students will be able to look at the topography of the land and make predictions of where the workers would have struggled to build the railway.

1.4.6. Students will be able to better understand how essential the CPR was to helping Canada communicate from cost to cost instead of having to travel via horse.

2. Podcast

2.1. Objectives

2.1.1. Identify individuals and events connected with Manitoba’s entry into Confederation.

2.1.2. Select and use appropriate tools and technologies to accomplish tasks

2.1.3. Identify contributions of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples to Canada’s war efforts.

2.2. Prerequisites

2.2.1. Question 1 Who was Louis Reil? Why is he so important to Manitoba's history?

2.2.2. Question 2 Why were so many people against Louis Riel and who were the majority of people that stood beside in the flight for Manitoba with Louis Riel?

2.2.3. Big Ideas Louis Reil led the Red River rebellion in hopes to gain more rights for Metis people because Europeans were trying to take Manitoba land for themselves.

2.3. Resources

2.3.1. Computer, Audacity, Manitoba SS curriculum, Manitoba ICT curriculum, Microphone

2.3.2. https://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/cur/socstud/framework/k-8framework.pdf

2.3.3. IMYM4: Community and Diversity Unit

2.4. Notes

2.4.1. Louis Reil

2.4.2. Teach students the important role that Louis Riel played in the development of Manitoba becoming a province of Canada

2.4.3. Students will use Audacity to create a 3-5 minute podcast to high light to important contributions Louis Riel made to Manitoba entering confederation

2.4.4. Provide an example of the Podcast on my blog.

3. Group Collaboration

3.1. Objectives

3.1.1. https://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/cur/socstud/foundation_gr7/gr7_fulldoc.pdf Identify human activities that contribute to climate change.

3.2. Essential Question

3.2.1. Big Idea Human actions can have serious consequences for our earths environment

3.2.2. Question 1 Why should humans make more of an effort to preserve our environment?

3.2.3. Question 2 What impact do my actions have on the environment?

3.3. Resources

3.3.1. Google Slides

3.3.2. Blogger

3.3.3. Computer

3.4. Notes

3.4.1. Identify Human Activities on the Climate

3.4.2. Students will work in a small group to create a google slides presentation

3.4.3. Students will research the different activities that humans do that either hurt or improve the climate

3.4.4. Students will then input their findings onto the collaborative Google Slides presentation

4. Video Lesson

4.1. Objectives

4.1.1. 4.N.5. Describe and apply mental mathematics strategies, such as skip-counting from a known fact using doubling, halving using doubling and adding one more group using patterns in the 9s facts using repeated doubling to develop an understanding of basic multiplication facts to 9 x 9 and related division facts.

4.1.2. 3.3.4 Develop New Understanding—Use gathered information and questions to review and add to knowledge; consider new questions regarding the inquiry or research process and content.

4.2. Essential Questions

4.2.1. Question 1 Why is it important that I be able to do mental math?

4.2.2. Question 2 What strategies can I use to help me with my mental math

4.2.3. Big Ideas Mental math is essential in life.

4.3. Resources

4.3.1. Materials Computer Math Website Mathematics | Manitoba Education Information and Communication Technology | Manitoba Education

4.3.2. mathgametime.com

4.4. Notes

4.4.1. Computer Game mental Math

4.4.2. Students will learn how to find a new math website

4.4.3. Students will be able to practice their mental math skills

4.4.4. Students will watch a video screen capture to learn the steps that they have to take to get to the site that they need